Free Engravings Inside All Rings & Free USA Shipping on Orders over $50 - Allow Four Weeks to Create Memorial Rings - Two Weeks for Non-Memorial Rings - Use code MoreLove15 to save 15% on orders over $150

Important Information About Our Memorial Jewelry

We understand it can be a very emotional and difficult task to send your loved one's ashes. It may feel wrong or seem as though you are violating their peace by opening the urn and removing a couple of teaspoons. 

If you feel this way, try envisioning what your loved one would say if you ask them their opinion on this. See yourself with through their eyes...with their compassion...their love. And above all else, take   your   time. 

When you are ready, we only need 1-2 small teaspoons of ash. We offer a collection kit to try to help with the stress associated with sending their ashes. It can be purchased for $25 and contains everything you need including postage paid addressed mailer. 

Or you can send the ashes without the kit to:

825 Lewis Branch Road
TN Ridge, TN 37178
The USPS offers the only legal method of shipping cremated human remains domestically or internationally.
Always include Tracking so you know when the ashes arrive here.
Feel free to email or text to confirm their safe arrival. 

Our pledge of respect and dignity:

Whether it is cremated human or animal ashes you send us, we will treat them with the utmost respect. We like to know a little bit about the person or pet we are creating the memorial ring for, and therefore encourage you to share pictures and a bit about their life. 

When your loved one's ashes arrive:

We carefully place your invoice, ring insert, and the ashes you provide in a sealed manila envelop until we are ready to create your memorial ring. Your name and order number are clearly written on each envelop to insure accuracy. 

We make one ring at a time to ensure absolutely no mistakes are made. Once your ring is finished, we collect the unused ashes and carefully package them with your order.

We do not take the trust you and your family have given us lightly; we promise to always exercise care while handling your loved one's cremains. 

We only need one - two teaspoons of ashes; please do not send more than that unless we are creating multiple pieces or custom art for you.

The legal stuff:

By you sending us the ashes, you agree you are the responsible party for the ashes and have legal rights to them. If you are not the legally responsible party for the ashes do not purchase a memorial ring from us or send us any ashes. We are not responsible for any ashes that get lost in the mail (which is why tracking is required).

If we have any reason to suspect any suspicious activity, we will contact authorities immediately and without notice.